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The Scheurebe Grape

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About Scheurebe

(Synonyms: Alzey S. 88, Dr Wagnerrebe, Sämling 88, Scheu 88)

Pronunciation: SHOY-ray-ba


Map showing Scheurebe’s growing region in Europe

Scheurebe is a white-wine grape originated in Germany in 1916 as a deliberate crossing of Riesling with another wine grape (now unknown) by viticilturist Dr. Georg Scheu, after whom the type is named (it is also commonly called Sämling 88—Seedling 88—from its designation in his experiments). The grape is now grown widely in Germany and Austria, to a much lesser extent in Switzerland, and to a small extent in parts of the new World: the Pacific Northwest of the U.S., and Western Australia.

Scheurebe wines bear some similarity to Riesling, but typically have a distinctly more intense flavor. A quotation widely repeated about “Scheu” (as it is informally and commonly called) is from noted importer Terry Theise:

Scheurebe is Riesling just after it read the Kama Sutra. Put another way, Scheu is what Riesling would be if Riesling were a transvestite. If Riesling expresses all that is Noble and Good, Scheu offers all that is Dirty and Fun. It is Riesling’s evil, horny twin.

As with any grape, Scheurebe needs to be treated well to produce its best wines. The chief common flaw is making the wine from under-ripe grapes. Like a number of white-wine grapes, the challenge in the vineyard is balancing ripeness (for flavor) with sugars (which determine alcohol content); Scheurebe, like most such grapes, is thus conveniently made into an off-dry or outright sweet wine by stopping fermentation before all the sugars are converted to alcohol (if they were, the alcohol content would be too high). Making a high-quality but dry Scheu is a challenge, but, when met, produces some thoroughly outstanding wines.

Typical descriptions of the better wines from Scheurebe include a definite grapefruit aroma and flavor, plus an overlay of black currant. The off-dry types also, unsurprisingly, exhibit a honeyed quality. It is, as noted, in many ways like Riesling but with more intensity.

Scheurebe’s planting acreage had been slowly declining, but that trend may now be reversing, owing to the gradual but definite shift in world tastes away from sweet wines and toward dry table wines. First-class dry Scheurebe is one of the world’s great white wines (and, like other high-acid whites, it can and will age very well).

Factoid: Scheurebe’s other parent was long thought to be Silvaner, but DNA analysis eliminated that possibility; it is possible that the unknown parent was a wild vine.

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Some Descriptions of Scheurebe Wines

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Some Scheurebe Bottlings to Try

(About this list.)

  Wines with a critics’ consensus score of 90:
Theo Minges Scheurebe “Feinherb”   [or search Cellar Tracker for this wine]

But if we relax the price criterion to $25 maximum, we also find:

  Wines with a critics’ consensus score of 89:
Pfeffingen Scheurebe Trocken   [or search Cellar Tracker for this wine]
Hans Wirsching Scheurebe Trocken   [or search Cellar Tracker for this wine]
Wechsler Scheurebe Trocken   [or search Cellar Tracker for this wine]

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This page was last modified on Sunday, 29 December 2024, at 7:04 pm Pacific Time.