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The Schioppettino Grape

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About Schioppettino

(Synonyms: Pocalza, Poçalza, Pokalca, Pokalza, Ribolla Nera, Schioccoletto, Schiopetino, Schioppettino, and Scoppiettino.)

Pronunciation: ski-ope-ah-TI-no


Map showing Friuli

Schioppettino is a quite old red-wine grape originating in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region of northeast Italy (see map at left), close to what is now Slovenia. That area remains the variety’s home today.

Schioppettino is another of the “re-discovered” grapes of Italy: grapes once close to extinction that are being rescued by proponents of their quality. As usual in these cases, after the the phylloxera epidemic of the late 19th century, re-plantings largely ignored older regional grapes—such as Schioppettino—in favor of the hugely popular “international” varieties. (By the 1960s there were fewer than 100 Schioppettino vines left in the world.) Fortunately, considerable attention is now being paid to the virtues of those old, once-well-established varieties.

Schioppettino wines typically have a stronly aromatic nose, medium body, and taste of dark fruits such as raspberry, flowers such as violets, and—quite notably—have a “peppery” overtone. Normally they have modest alcohol levels and pronounced acidity, which the strong fruit qualities nicely balance.

Factoid: Records show Schiopettino wine being used in marriage ceremonies at least as far back as 1282.

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Some Descriptions of Schioppettino Wines

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Some Schioppettino Bottlings to Try

(About this list.)

There are no Schioppettino bottlings that meet our quality/price/availability criteria. But if we relax the score criterion to 88 minimum, we find:

  Wines with a critics’ consensus score of 88:
Bastianich Schioppettino   [or search Cellar Tracker for this wine]

Or, if we relax the price criterion to $25 maximum, we also find:

  Wines with a critics’ consensus score of 90:
Marco Sara Schioppettino   [or search Cellar Tracker for this wine]

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This page was last modified on Sunday, 29 December 2024, at 7:04 pm Pacific Time.