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The Cesanese Grape

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About Cesanese

(Synonyms: Bonvino Nero, Cesanese Comune, Cesanese di Afile, Cesanese Nostrano, Nero Ferrigno, Sanguinella, Uva di Afile.)

Pronunciation: chay-sa-NAY-zee


Map showing the Lazio region of Italy

Cesanese is an ancient red-wine grape originating in Italy, in the Cesanese Comune area of the Lazio region, around Rome. That area today remains the source of almost all Cesanese wines.

To understand the present-day status of Cesanese, one has to appreciate the wine-making history of the Lazio region (the area around Rome). Historically, and by its nature (soils, climate, and the like), the area has, since the days of the Empire, famously produced quite a variety of excellent wines. But as we approach modern times, we find that the seemingly insatiable thirst of the burgeoning population of the renascent Rome (whose population after the devastating Gothic War of 535–554 C.E. had fallen to a mere 35,000) was willing to consume all the wine Lazio could produce, regardless of quality; accordingly, the emphasis was on quantity, and quality suffered badly.

Only in the last few decades have Italian winemakers begun to reverse that trend, and Cesanese is an archetypal example. Its status is not helped by the reality that it can be a difficult grape to manage in the vineyard, owing to its very late ripening; as noted by Wine Searcher (se the quotations farther down this page), “In some cases, the grapes will not reach full phenolic maturity, and the resultant thin, watery wines do not demonstrate the best qualities of Cesanese.” But a corps of young, dedicated winemakers are now taking greater care, and some fine Cesaneses are appearing (see also Italian-wine expert Ian D’Agata’s comments farther below).

There are three distinct strains of Cesanese: Cesanese Comune; Cesanese d’Affile; and the newly rediscovered Cesanese Nostrano. The d’Affile strain is generally preferred, and is slowly edging out the Comune strain, though both can give good wines. The Nostrano strain has not yet established a reputation one way or the other.

The general characteristics of Cesanese wines are dry and fruity with soft tannins and a distinctive aroma variously said to be of mulberries, cherries, floral notes, some herb/spice, and even a tad of red pepper. It is a wine that wants little or no oaking, and is best drunk young.

Factoid: In the 2000s, Cesanese made news owing to its inclusion in “Sogno Uno”, the debut wine from Savanna Samson—an American porn star turned winemaker—which wine earned favorable ratings from wine critics.

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Some Descriptions of Cesanese Wines

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Some Cesanese Bottlings to Try

(About this list.)

  Wines with a critics’ consensus score of 96:
Volpetti Le Piantate Cesanese   [or search Cellar Tracker for this wine]

  Wines with a critics’ consensus score of 92:
Cincinnato “Argeo” Cesanese   [or search Cellar Tracker for this wine]

  Wines with a critics’ consensus score of 89:
Casale del Giglio Cesanese   [or search Cellar Tracker for this wine]

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