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The Ehrenfelser Grape

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About Ehrenfelser

(Synonyms: Geisenheim 9-93)

Pronunciation: er-en-FEL-sehr


Map showing the Rheinhessen region

Ehrenfelser is a white-wine grape, a modern varietal cross made in 1929 in Germany: it is a cross of Riesling with an unknown partner, long but erroneously thought to be Silvaner (aka Sylvaner). It is still primarily a German grape, though it is now widely planted in British Columbia, owing to its ability to be productive in cold climates (being a quite early-ripening type).

Ehrenfelser was an attempt to develop a Riesling-like grape that could ripen in a broader range of climates. It can indeed ripen in cool, almost cold, climates, but it does not have either the complexity or anything like the aging potential of Riesling. Kerner has largely superseded it in that role, though Ehrenfelser makes reputedly good ice wine in British Columbia.)

The bottom line, however, is not the grape’s potential but the actual wines being made from it. It is hard to say how much Ehrenfelser winemaking goes on in Germany and Austria, because little or no Ehrenfelser from those countries reaches the U.S. We do know, however, that its plantings are declining: in Germany in 1999, 630 acres were in, whereas current estimates are 225 acres.

There is a fair bit of Ehrenfelser table wine made in British Columbia, but, again, little or none reaches the U.S. (NAFTA— or whatever it’s called these days—seems irrelevant to Demon Rum, and shipments of alcoholic beverages even within Canada, and the U.S., are ridiculously over-regulated; cross-border shipment is for all practical pusposes impossible). The B.C. wines seem mainly made in a fruit-forward, off-dry style, which may not maximize the grape’s potential but which works commercially for a generally obscure grape.

Factoid: The name "Ehrenfelser" derives from the Burg Ehrenfels ruins, located on the Rhine near Rüdesheim.

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>Some Descriptions of Ehrenfelser Wines

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Some Ehrenfelser Bottlings to Try

(About this list.)

Regrettably, there are no Ehrenfelser bottlings that meet our quality/price/availability criteria. Sorry.

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This page was last modified on Sunday, 29 December 2024, at 7:04 pm Pacific Time.