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The Croatina Grape

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About Croatina

(Synonyms: Bonarda, Bonarda di Rovescala, Crovattina, Crovettina, Crovattino, Nebbiolo di Gattinara, Neretto, Spanna di Ghemme, Spanna-Nebbiolo, Uga del Zio, Uva Vermiglia)

Pronunciation: kro-ah-TEE-nah


Map showing the Lombardy region of Italy

Croatina is a red-wine grape originating in Italy, where it is today grown in several regions, primarily Lombadry, but also including the Emilia Romagna, the Piedmont, and even the Veneto (where small amounts are allowed in Amarone). As “Oltrepò Pavese Bonarda” from the Lombardy, it can be a monovarietal, and must in any event be at least 85% Croatina; it can also appear as a monovarietal in Piemontese wines—as “Colli Tortonesi” (usually but not always 100%), “Cisterna d’Asti” (80% - 100%), or “Colline Novaresi Croatina” or “Coste della Sesia Croatina” (85% - 100%); in the various other Italian blends in which it occurs, the percentage is lower, often fairly small. (Its ultimate origin is probably, as the name suggests, Croatia, but Italy is where it is now established.)

(The use of the name “Bonarda” can be quite confusing; Croatina has no relation to the Bonarda grown in South America—which is also called Charbono or Douce Noir—nor to Bonarda Piemontese, which is yet another different grape. There will be a quiz in the morning.)

The wines from Croatina are generally described as dark in color, fruity, and (as Jancis Robinson puts it), “with a certain bite” to them. Sources seem to differ on its ageworthiness, some saying it can benefit from bottle aging, others that it is intended to be drunk young; chances are that it depends on the particular bottling (riserva wines are aged 24 months minimum, and are probably the more likely candidates for further cellaring). Comparisons with Dolcetto are sometimes made. Croatina is as yet a minor player on the world stage, but it can make some quite satisfactory wines and is well worth attention.

Note that some Croatina wines are vinified somewhat off-dry, and even frizzante (sparkling); examine any potential purchase with care to avoid surprises.

Factoid: Croatia is also the probable source of such distinctively "Italian" wines as Primitivo (Zinfandel), the path from Croatia to northern Italy being relatively short.

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Some Descriptions of Croatina Wines

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Some Croatina Bottlings to Try

(About this list.)

There are no Croatina bottlings that meet our quality/price/availability criteria. But if we relax the score criterion to 88 minimum, we get:

  Wines with a critics’ consensus score of 88:
Castello di Luzzano Bonarda “Carlino” Bonarda   [or search Cellar Tracker for this wine]
Castello di Luzzano Bonarda   [or search Cellar Tracker for this wine]

Or, if we relax the price criterion to $25 maximum, we get:

  Wines with a critics’ consensus score of 89:
Davide Carlone Croatina   [or search Cellar Tracker for this wine]

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This page was last modified on Sunday, 29 December 2024, at 7:04 pm Pacific Time.